How we work with you
How we work with you

How We Work With You

We work closely with our clients to make sure their project is a success. Our team members handle every aspect of the business — initial assessment, product testing, scale-up, quotations, project management, commissioning, and post-sale support.

Preliminary Evaluation Study

Our Preliminary Evaluation Study (PES)  enables us to assess your requirements and determine whether LCI technology may be the best fit for your application.

Preliminary Evaluation Study

Pilot Plant Testing

After positive results are achieved in a PES, a Pilot Plant Test (PPT) is scheduled to demonstrate production feasibility. We invite our clients to attend this stage of testing that generates product qualification samples, commercial design scale-up data and confirms operating conditions.  The length of the tests can vary depending on product quantities and test objectives. 

Pilot Plant Testing

Quotation & Design

LCI engineers develop a total solution to meet our customer’s needs, present fixed price proposal, and complete in-house process and mechanical design of equipment to fully engineered systems.

Quotation and Design

Equipment Delivery & Support

Our commitment to customer satisfaction means the equipment we supply will be completed on time, on budget, and with the highest quality possible.

We provide onsite commissioning support during the startup of the equipment to ensure proper installation and process optimization.

LCI is on call 24/7 to help with technical advice, troubleshooting in the field, or promptly supplied replacement parts.

We keep permanent record of your system at our Charlotte, NC headquarters. If you need a major overhaul or component repair, we can quickly help.

Equipment support team


process separations brochure
Overview of LCI's Process Separation Technologies
Extrusion Spheronization
Extrusion & Spheronization brochure